rank high

美 [ræŋk haɪ]英 [ræŋk haɪ]
  • 居高位
rank highrank high
  1. His prices rank high among those of other contemporary photographers


  2. Rank high in the test She 's in the top set for French .


  3. A : Flexibility would certainly rank high in this type of job .


  4. Besides traveling , learning skills like driving and cooking rank high on the list of plans for recent high school graduates .


  5. Niche also uses data from the Department of Education like reading and writing test scores to rank high schools in the same state against one another .


  6. Judging from countries that rank high in terms of transparency , raising pay levels would be key in keeping officials clean , he said .


  7. Care for health must rank high on the priorities of mining companies . ( The final chapter of this book is devoted to prevention . )


  8. Overpopulation came out on top , with several professors pointing out its ties to other problems that rank high on the list .


  9. Yet that 's exactly what the animals below are : Creatures that rank high both on the " scare " and " care " factors .


  10. Older and smarter students , as well as those who hailed from a warm family environment , tended to rank high on the social totem pole .


  11. Indeed , these issues rank high on the international economic agenda , calling for broader vision , decisive action and closer cooperation to bring global FDI and economic growth back on track .


  12. Hong Kong and Taiwan also rank high on the list , with 83 percent and 80 percent of their firms having women in senior positions . In the Philippines , 97 percent companies have women holding senior positions .


  13. " Post-1980 writers " appeared in the special economic and cultural form . Compared with the traditional writers , they have remarkable differences : their works rank high in the best literary sellers , becoming the pets of book market ;


  14. This article through to 10 year and 17 age period concrete each kind of examination method regression equation comparison , the intensity rank high concrete test sample carbonization depth is shallow , the snapping back value and the intensity have the very good relevance .


  15. America is on the front rank in high tech industries .


  16. As we all know , China is rich in coal resources and its coal production and consumption rank keep high in the world .


  17. JD Power and Associates and Consumer Reports , however , still rank Toyota high in vehicle quality and vehicle reliability .


  18. China is now the world 's second-biggest economy , but some of its provinces by themselves would rank fairly high in the global league .


  19. Tokyo has also lost its place in terms of individual buildings , although its skyline and extraordinary density still rank it high in city terms .


  20. Although the coal rank is high , the matrix pores , cleats , and fractures are well-developed , therefore , the reservoir permeability is high ;


  21. To propel the reform of cadre system and establish cadres rank with high quality , we should perfect the supersession mechanism from cultivation , selection , exchanging and quit .


  22. The local administration of the Song dynasty was characterized by parallel administrative organizations and officials at the same rank at high administrative levels , that is , the separate system at high local administrative levels .


  23. Its hotel management schools give it a supply of high-quality staff in the industry , while its abundance of protected land and six world heritage sites rank it high among countries with rich natural and cultural resources .


  24. In the summer , surface temperatures rank from high to low as follows : dry ground > cement road surface > brick wall > stone > naked soil > air > plant surface > humid soil > water .


  25. On the whole , the female students act with a medium level in career decision-making self-efficacy , dimensions of which rank from high to low are , self-evaluation , information gathering , problem resolution , selecting-targets , and laying-plans .


  26. There are not so much difference in between the results in terms of the influences to consumer emotion and cognition , all these patterns rank from high to low as follows : interactive CSR publicity , CSR reports , and CSR public relationship reports .


  27. High ash coal slurry is low in calorific value and not amendable to direct use . The results show that the CWS rheology of low rank or high ash coal is mainly due to the physical and chemical properties as well as surface structure characteristics of coal .


  28. Hot water treatment of low rank coal in high temperature and high pressure reactor and its slurry ability


  29. The carbonization is carried out in autoclave under the pressure of volatile matter itself for low rank coals with high volatile matter content .


  30. This algorithm combines low rank algorithm with high rank algorithm , approaching to operation spending of the low rank algorithm , acquires interpolation quality of the high level algorithm .
